data poisoning

How Glaze and Nightshade try to protect artists

In the last post we saw how systems powered by AI shift harm between population segments, and that there are some practical, physical methods that can be employed to shift those harms back. These were called Protective Optimization Technologies (POTs) because they are designed to protect the people who employ …

Is it illegal to hack a machine learning model?

Maybe. It depends a little bit on how you do it and a lot of bit on why.

I am not a lawyer, and this blog post should not be construed as legal advice. But other people who are lawyers or judges have written about this, so we can review …

We're not so different, you and I -- adversarial attacks are poisonous

I spent a lot of time thinking about the title for this post. Way more than usual! So I hope you'll indulge me in quickly sharing two runners up:

  1. The real data posions were the adversarial examples we found along the way
  2. Your case and my case are the same …

How to tell if someone trained a model on your data

The last three papers that we've read, backdoor attacks, wear sunglasses, and smile more, all used some variety of an image watermark in order to control the behavior of a model. These authors showed us that you could take some pattern (like a funky pair of sunglasses), and overlay it …

Smiling is all you need: fooling identity recognition by having emotions

In "Wear your sunglasses at night", we saw that you could use an accessory, like a pair of sunglasses, to cause machine learning models to misbehave. Specifically, if you have access to images that might be used to train an identity recognition model, you can superimpose barely-visible watermarks of sunglasses …

Wear your sunglasses at night : fooling identity recognition with physical accessories

In "A faster way to generate backdoor attacks", we saw how we could replace computationally expensive methods for generating poisoned data samples with simpler heuristic approaches. One of these involved doing some data alignment in feature space. The other, simpler approach, was applying a low-opacity watermark. In both cases, the …

A faster way to generate backdoor attacks

Last time, we talked about data poisoning attacks on machine learning models. These are a specific kind of adversarial attack where the training data for a model are modified to make the model's behavior at inference time change in a desired way. One goal might be to reduce the overall …

Poisoning deep learning algorithms

Up to this point, when we have been talking about adversarial attacks on machine learning algorithms, it has been specifically in the context of an existing, fixed model. Early work in this area assumed a process where an attacker had access to test examples after capture (e.g., after a …